Parallel world love story … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Parallel world love story … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Love is defined, even by the greatest philosophers of the world as one of the main path we should follow in life.
We trend to think that the meaning of life is to make money, have a familly, have a big house with 2 cars garrage, a nice big bank account … and many, many material things that will present us into the world as a successful person.
But we work so much to own those things, that in the end our soul can be defined as lost and empty.
Years are passing and you start to dont understand who you are anymore.
You start reading personal development, which by the way … is focusing again too much on success … then psichology and philosophy … but still you will not find all the answears to heal your soul.
There will be people redirecting you to the bible and religion … but you need something to live for real, as you can change deep inside yourself.
What should be this small piece that is missing from the puzzle?!
What medicine can you take so that you can feel joy inside yourself?!
Is there a magic pill for that?!
So many people are feeling so empty inside … they are drinking alchohol, take drunks, buy expensive cars, goes into expensive vacations all around the world, do all kind of things that they believe it can bring them into another reality that can make them be happy.
But … they fail.
For healing your soul … there is only one magic pill … and that is love.
But … now hearing this, you will start telling your story … and the main idea is that you have a fixed life and things cant be changed.
Married … with children … prisoner for life into a familly where you are not happy and you will never be happy.
And as i wrote into the past, there ate 2 kinds of unhappy people: the ones that accept reality just as it is and the ones that dares to be happy at least into a parallel world.
So … parallel world love story … which can be translated as love affair, which exists in many, many cases … might be the magic pill.
We will not talk about morality, cause healing our souls might be more important as anything else into the world.
You have the fundamental right to be allowed to feel joy inside of you.

Download the book ”Abstract love: a philosophical guide for imposible love stories” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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